Which headphone amplifier with balanced input?

Glad there is this forum. I am going to own a Meridian 508.24 CD player soon. I have noticed it's balanced output and would like to take advantage of them. In the emantime I would like to purchase a headphone amplifier ($150-450) but have really no clue which one is a great value for the money with balanced inputs. But maybe I should settle for unbalanced since reviews of headroom of Creek amplifiers have been raving reviews.

I have the Grace 901 headphone amp which includes balanced inputs, but it's beyond your budget. I think there are a few Headroom amps that include balanced inputs, but same price issue. I wouldn't worry too much about making sure it has balanced inputs.

Also, there are many amps available in your price range. I would go to Head-fi.org for suggestions. If you can swing it, the new Emmeline XP-7 headphone amp is supposed to be great ($495, also available with a power supply for $695).
I would post this question on www.head-fi.org. I was in need of a headphone amp and I learned quite a bit from this wonderful web-site. After I read and learned, I decided to order from www. jmtaudio.com a Meta-42 based home headphone amp. Links on Jon's web-site will direct you to other builders as well. Good luck w/your search.
2 agreements: head-fi.org (also check out headwize.com), and the XP-7 from www.raysamuelsaudio.com

I got it. It is superb ! Balanced, organic (NEVER thought I'd use that term) sound, detail galore, even some good in-skull soundstaging !

OK, single-ended only, but you don't need balanced with this baby.