Need fast help picking preamp before its too late

Which should I get for my B&K st-140 and JM Labs Chorus 706?
Conrad Johnson PV7 $400
Musical Fidelity X-Pre $240

Forte Audio Model 2 $300
PS Audio 4.6 $320
Mccormack micro line drive $300

Please help as I cant listen to my new (used) amp? The agony!
I would probably go for the PV7. It is romantic sounding which may work well with your other components. It depends on what kind of sound you like. You have picked out good deals though! Arthur
I love CJ, own and absolutely enjoy my PV11, but it's your money, SO:

Have Fun!!!
Will I keep the detail of my Music Hall cdp or will the tubes mush out the sound?
Sorry to introduce a wild card, but the Klyne SK-5A here at $695 is IMHO a whole other level of machine, a clear winner if you also have vinyl. ( Its phono stage is super. ) I guess it may be out of your price range, but it preserved the detail of my Shanling CD-T100 and it would do the same with the Music Hall you have.