opinion on electronics for Vandy 2Ce Sig

I recently sold some JM Labs and a reciever to move into some Vandys and...

Early this week I auditioned the Vandersteen 2Ce Sig. They will be mine, oh yes, they WILL be mine.
Shortly after Christmas, I will purchase a pair (here on audiogon probably) I need some opinions on electronics.

Budget = ~$1500
I need a pre and amp both. I can probably go a little higher, but lower the cost, the sooner I am listening.

Volume: Once in a while, I like to listen LOUD! I suspect that 100wpc won't be enough...perhaps I am wrong. Anyway, I DON'T want to run out of headroom.

Room: Strange...living room with 20ft vaulted ceilings, very oddly shaped and also open to the rest of the condo, but three steps down (sunken).

Music: I listen to everything, but I really like the double bass of bluegrass music, Knopfler's guitar, keys and horns of Steely Dan and Alison Krauss + Union Station's beautiful harmonies. When I auditioned the Vandys, I thought that the highs needed some more extention....dare I say a little more brightness. I don't want to loose that midbass though. The audition equip. was PS Audio CDP, Anthem pre/amp combo (not sure the model).

I will almost certianly buy used here on Audiogon.

Here are some brands I am considering in no particular order, and would like comments + suggestions: NOTE: I haven't heard ANY of this stuff, and since I am going to buy used, I won't have the ability to audition before I buy...it's going to come down to performance/price.

Conrad Johnson
Musical Fidelity
Rogue Audio

I am also not allergic to tubes, but my wife says she doesn't want 'test tube experiments' in the living room. It seems any tube gear would have to have a case, much to my dismay.

Any and all opinions are welcome, but please don't suggest other speakers. I sat in the audition chair for two hours with a big smile on my face, so they are definitely it as far as speakers go.

I have auditioned the Vandersteen 2ce sig several times with Rouge equipment and was blown away. The imaging and staging was out of this world. In fact, I pretty much use that experience as a bench mark of where I want to move to when I do drop the coin for new mains.


Each time I heard them mated to the 88 with various sources.

i think quicksliver mono ( kt88's) are a WONDERFUL match with the vandersteens.

the vandies are a great match with tubes however...i didnt suggest them due to maintance. they are a very rugged design and reliable.

however, i was under the impression he was looking for solid state.

in regards to the pse's studio v's being to polite....hummm..

what was the associated gear ?

they are very, very neutral in character and are known to be extremely dynamic. if they sounder polite, chances are they were used with a laid back source and pre.

they are often referred to as "the poor mans levinson".

audioconnection is a dealer in nj and they can be auditioned there, he is also a vandersteen dealer.

i found out about pse studio v's through richard vandersteen. he was the one who turned them on to me, and i have been a believer ever since.

many pre,cd's speakers and cables have come and gone over the years. the only piece that has been consistant is the pse studio v's.

hope that helps !!


That's the trouble of these posts:::: Opinions vary like the changing wind. What you like, I may not like, what you listen for, I may not. Then someone says something about someone else's favorite gear, and we can have a shooting match.

I was posting to Zstokes based on what he was saying. And also my experience of listening to what people were trying to achieve. I wanted to offer an all tube choice becuase to me tube is much more satisfing. And also I find people who want at least a tube front end will quickly find that an all tube system will work for them. I myself will gladly sacrifice a little bottom end slam, for something I can listen to all day.

My comments about PSE were based on my experience. I was using CJPV10, Melos 333, and VAC CLP at the time for my auditioning. Along with a Muse model 2 ( I believe ) dac I was auditioning a McCormack DNA-1, Classe 100 watt ( sorry forgot, but it was the current model ) as well as the PSE. Up agianst these other amps the PSE was " polite "

I have talked with Fat John @ Audio Connection www.audioconnect.com a # of times. In fact he was one of the people who recomended Quicksilver ad Vandersteen to me. He also advised me to listen to PSE, ( which by the way is in my town of Minneapolis )

As to the KT88 amps by Quciksilver, I don't think they are worth the money. That is assuming you are talking about the version built in the early 90's. When I went down the Quicksilver trail. I had several conversations with Mike Sanders. He steered me clear of the KT88's, and at the time said even the M60's would be a better choice.
Bigtee is exactly right re: paralleling the inputs on the DNAs. I had a pair brought to RevA+ for use in bi-amping and that's exactly what SMCAudio did. Just make sure you label them so you or a subsequent owner don't forget.