Does an aftermarket power cord matters for Amp?

I am currently using the stock power cord for my VAC Avatar tube integrated amp. I have upgraded my cdp's power cord (given the trigger-down theory with source component) a while ago with a Synergistic Research A/C Master Coupler and had good results. I have been wondering if I should do the same for the Amp and question if it really does make a difference. If so, is it significant and worth the investment?
New cords are in. Right out of the box. Brand spanking new. No break in. SOUND?-- Unreal.. My system went from breathing through a cocktail straw to breathing from an inch wide pipe. Out of the box. Cold as a cucumber. I was told, in advance though, that they would not need any break in. They are glorious. Next week, the ICs!! can't take all this excitement. Will talk more when my tympanics know more.... peace,warren
With all due respect to you Warrenh, I think you are referring to Ernie's older models.(which I have owned in the past) This new incarnation is another league of power cord and more than just an "introduction". He has changed the cable and the design. It is a class act and though I have never sampled the heights of the harmonix cords, I have compared it to a shunyata black mamba V2 on my cdp and I prefer Ernie's for resolution, depth, and transparency. There was much more of a "difference" and that difference was all good. Whether it be synergy or good design, it's well worth the $160. IMHO.

You're right on that Stu. I was comparing to his older model. Wasn't aware of his new stuff. As Gilda Radner use to say on Saturday Night Live, "never mind." Can you hear her? Anyway, I'm sure the new ones are jamin and worth the $$. peace, warren
Hi guys. Am vacationing around Grenoble, having wasted WAY too much time checking out euro PCs, and their guts at various sources. FINALLY found a good all-brass EC male AC plug I respect (even the 1k EURO siltech uses a chrome-plated male AC!), so I can now make Preludes & Fugues for euro'philes. Interestingly there's NO aftermarket for AC wall receptacles nor plugs. They use 2.5mm2 house wiring, which is just about 13AWG. At 220/240v it packs sufficient wallop (2kw+ @ only 10A), so maybe there's a bit less concern for heavy copper....A bientot. Ern