1st sound vs. placette?

I need to purchase a preamp. I currently have atmas-phere m60mk2's feeding audio physic step sle's. I was considering a placette active line stage or a first sound presence line stage-does anyone have experience with both lines-feel free to make suggestions for other models as well. (remote control would be a grand bonus)


Try the Tom Evans SS Vibe preamp, it was no contest with all the preamps I have tried so far.

Happy Listening.
Bigkidz, have you compared the Tom Evans Vibe to some of the other top preamps mentioned in this thread--First Sound, Placette active, Klyne, Pass, Ayre K1? I'd be interested to hear more about this unit since it is not well known over here.
Bigkidz have you heard the Vibe vs. the famed Supratek preamps? I just posted a thread regarding those preamps and the First Sound.