Differences between MAC C100, C200 and C46

Does anyone know the differences between the Macintosh C100, C200 and C46 preamps as far as the sound, imaging and soundsatge goes?

I have the c200 and other than the difference in the displays and the HT passthrough it is the same as the c100.
These are some of the best solid state preamps available.
They are very transparent with great soundstaging. The c46
will get you very close however to the c100/200. If you can
compare them with your own ears that should give you the best indication of perceived sound differences. Soundwise
the c46 will get you well into the ballpark of the c100/200. Good luck.
as for HT pass through the C100 can also do it but it does
not have a stand alone setting for it you have to choose what output want for HT pass through and this way the C100 is more virsitile then the C200 . also the C100 has on the unit what out put you have choosen . the remotes are the same . i agree withh Larrman these may be some of the most transparent and best soundstaging preamps any where . good luck and good listening. don't be afraid to listen to the
C100 or C200 these are as good as it gets and they have a phone stage built in .
Larrman, I own a C200, too. Until now, I have only listened to CD; now I will get back into vinyl, too. Do you play vinyl, and if so, what turntable/arm/cartridge do you use? I have not yet decided about using the MC-input of the C200, or adding a special phono-preamp. What, if any, is your experience?
daer hassel i see you ask larrman about phone for the C200
as you can see from above i have a C100 and do have a tt.
my set up is a sota nova 5 + an sme 5 arm + a koetsu rosewood sig. this set up goes right into the mc input of my C100 and the sound is great.
I would like to thank everyone for their answers to my questions. This has helped a lot and given me much direction in making my decision.

thank you