audio research sp-10

hi..i'm fairly new to tubes. i have an AR sp-10 pre, AR d-125 amp, vandersteen 2ci speakers, and a shanling t-100 cd player. running the cd player on the tube output of the shanling. my music tastes run the gamut from synthpop/ sarah mclachlin, and josh groban. the system seems just a tad bright to me, which it seems it shouldn't with all the tubes i'm using. i've put the sp-10 on "high gain" which seems to it "bad" to use the high gain on a regular basis? speakers are biwired..but with no name wires..any suggestions for compatable speaker wires and or interconnects (using legend interconnects right now) or any other suggestions would be appreciated. thanks in advance :)
Turn it off at the end of each day when you are thru listening. The SP10 has a very gentle warm up phase and the tubes don't suffer much from turn on trauma.

Linnlp12, you won't get much argument from me, except we differ on tube preference a tad. I've been using mine for over 20 years - warts and all, its still my favorite pre-amp.
linnlp...thank you so much for your imput...when i can afford the $ i will try those tubes as well as the ones that newbee reccomended..this is really fun with the help of those of you with so much more experience..

newbee..will do..thanks again:)
hi..its me any of you have any suggestions for how i can make 6" high speaker stands for my vandersteen 2ci's until i can find the sound anchor ones used? thanks:)
Hey Hey Synthgirl,

If you have not had much success to find tubes, perhaps you can call Michael Elliot, the designer of Counterpoint gear. Go to and click on "Replacement Tubes" on the left side of the page. Then scroll down to the 6DJ8 links in the products line. He has grouped tubes with different noise/microphonic levels. Just give him a call as he is very helpful.

Also, I respect LinnLP12's viewpoint that he likes the SP-10, but all the units he compared it to are those at the same time or long before the SP-10. I too heard the SP-8 and Spectral DMC-10 along with the Klyne and Krell PAM3 at that time and for me the SP-10 was hands down the winner. But that was then! Line stages have come a long long way since then (1984). Your focus needs to be on a product that serves CD playback well. Wish you lived here in Minneapolis as I'd be happy to invite you to hear what I am talking about.

Anyway, give Mr. Elliot a call as I think he could help you here.

hey jafox :) ohh...what a dream that would be to actually HEAR what is possible. thanks for the thought...i would SO be there if i could. i am fumbling in the dark here...i have the ear for music...but often not the knowledge (or funds) to make it happen, which is very frustrating. you guys are helping tremendously tho. i know even the system i have is capable of sooo much of you could come in here and presto-magic...i just sooo don't know what i am doing!! i try to remind myself what newbee said...relax..take your time..and have fun...BUT i want it set up i CAN just sit back..listen..and enjoy...i just want my music!! whahhh. can anyone relate ;)