Warmest solid-state integrated for under $2k


I'm looking for the warmest sounding solid state integrated amp on the market for under $2k new. Any ideas?

From Plinius to Xindak they all sound like possibilities for me to mate with my Klipsch. The chinese made seem to be in the sub high dollar range for sure....Thank's Guys!
Try Audio Analogue Setanta Puccini at 70 watts/ch brand new under 2K. I have heard the Puccini SE Remote and thought that was one of the best integrated I had heard under $1500.
I would look at the Blue Circle CS or NSCS integrated amps.

Simply put, that are works of art and sound beautiful.


Happy Listening,
FWIW, I had my Musical Fidelity A 300 integrated (150X2) modded by Tube Research Labs. The cost of the mod is $550.
The MF A300 can be had used for $8-900 here on AGON.

Very neutral warmish sound with a major reduction in harshness or glare, and lower noise floor after the mod.
Very extended on both ends, great soundstage depth and size.
Made a good amp an excellent amp.