Weather-induced amp performance variation

There is an excellent article on HiFi News current issue about how temperature affect an amp performance. It actually measures how the bias changes with different room temperature.

It may have something to do with people who notices there is a change in their hifi system in different weather.
Pretty dramatic changes in the sound of a system and amp also occur due to variations in the amounts of AC power line pollution and noise during differnt parts of the day and night, especially if you don't use a line conditioner of some kind.
I also heard that changes in the barometric pressure can cause a system, particularly the speakers, sound alittle different on different days.
Also, proper warm-up is essential, especially in solid-state amps and preamps. If they are played from a cold start, there can be huge variations and fluctuations in the sound quality as they go through their warm-up period.
Eldarthford: I guess age of the listener has much too do as age of equipment :-)