New Pass Labs X.5 series versus previous X series

Pass Labs is in the process of re-dedesigning their entire X series into the new X.5 series. As of this writing X150.5, X250.5 and possibly X350.5 are already shipping. The X600.5 are expected to start shipping early in the new year. This thread is to discuss experiences with the new amps, their sound signature, perceivable improvements over the old series, and of course dissenting opinions. Everyone's perspective is welcome--X and X.5 owners, X.5 window shoppers, Dealers, and all other audiogoners with a passion for affect by the bug of audiophilia.
I'll be out of touch for 36 hours. Keep the discussion going in the meantime. Some dealers are already stocking X350.5. Someone should give these guys a buzz.
Hi folks: I own a X250 and has been one of the best speakers I have had, the list is quite large to bore you here. I don't feel the need to move to the .5 series, and more into finding theright preamp for my X250. The best I have OWNED is a First Sound Passive preamp. X2 was awfull for me.

What is expected to be that different in the .5 series to really make me change my mind?

I will appreciate your feedback.

Hi Folks,
I just received my new 350.5 48 hrs ago. I owed a 350 for two years, and was very happy with it. But the the boys at Pass talked me into an upgrade. Peter promised me great things. And as you might have it they delivered in spades. Without any break in time the 350.5 dropped my jaw. The sound is sweet, detailed, soft and musical, and all of the usual euphamisms. The bass is the real winner, it has the size and rythm of a tube amp and the controll of the best solid state. I picked up a full octave of bass. By peeking into the top, it looks like the power supply is completely different. The new face plate is real cool, a hybrid between the old and the XA. The 350 took a real long time to get as good as it got, so I really expect great things from the 350.5 in the future. I have to say that his amp has been one of the most exciting changes in my system since a significant speaker upgrade.