New Pass Labs X.5 series versus previous X series

Pass Labs is in the process of re-dedesigning their entire X series into the new X.5 series. As of this writing X150.5, X250.5 and possibly X350.5 are already shipping. The X600.5 are expected to start shipping early in the new year. This thread is to discuss experiences with the new amps, their sound signature, perceivable improvements over the old series, and of course dissenting opinions. Everyone's perspective is welcome--X and X.5 owners, X.5 window shoppers, Dealers, and all other audiogoners with a passion for affect by the bug of audiophilia.
I have no doubt that the monoblocks will be a refinement of what the single chassis x.5s will offer. I did post a formal reveiw here on the GON, hope you took a look at it, so I won't go into the many virtues I shared in my reveiw of the 350.5 amp. But what I want to share is the following; A new audiofile friend and music lover came to my house to hear my system and said" Come on were are the tube amps you can't get this warmth and timbres out of a solid state amp can you?" He has the 20000.00 Lamms and Karma speakers at home ,so he knows good sound.Yes you can along with dynamics,bass control, etc. with these new Nelson Pass's x.5 babies.
TJ, not only I was impressed by the findings in your review of the X350.5, but I was equally amazed by the consistency of all the positive comments of the other users following your excellent review. Nelson must truly have created something special!
Has anyone compared the X350.5 with the Parasound Halo JC-1's, or owned both of them?
If so, how do they compare sonically?
I had both X250.5 and JC-1 for 3 months driving my Studio. I had such high hope for the JC-1, but shockingly the X250.5 blows it away cold out of the box. Much faster, a lot more extended high end(JC-1' weakest area) , much better defined and controlled bass. And now I moved up to the X350.5 and it is in a class by itself. A lot more authority, dynamic, body, sweetness,....... I really don't know whatelse to expect from a SS amp. I heard some people prefer this amp over the XA160.
Anyone compare the Pass Aleph 2, X 350.5, and XA 160s?

I own latest update Soundlab U-1s with the benign impedence transformer upgrade and the latest PX panels, both of which, BTW, I recommend to any SoundLabs owner - you may contact me for details.

But, back to your opinions of the amps in this situation - driving Soundlab panel speakers or other electrostatics - they don't have to be U-1s.