New Pass Labs X.5 series versus previous X series

Pass Labs is in the process of re-dedesigning their entire X series into the new X.5 series. As of this writing X150.5, X250.5 and possibly X350.5 are already shipping. The X600.5 are expected to start shipping early in the new year. This thread is to discuss experiences with the new amps, their sound signature, perceivable improvements over the old series, and of course dissenting opinions. Everyone's perspective is welcome--X and X.5 owners, X.5 window shoppers, Dealers, and all other audiogoners with a passion for affect by the bug of audiophilia.
Hi there, I am considering the X350.5 against the X600.5 and would like to know if you have any views / experience on comparing the virtues of both these great amps?
hocklin, I suspect you may find the old X600 to have greater authority and to be slightly leaner, while the newer X350.5 to have greater refinement, delicacy and control.
Apologies to all. . . I corrected my previous post. I meant to say that the x600 was likely to be found a little leaner, not the 'x600.5'. Clearly a 'ooops!'
Hi Guidocorona, Thanks for your comments. So the X350.5 appears to be "better" vs. the old X600 in the areas of refinement, delicacy, control- which are what I am looking for. What about the X600.5? How big is the gap between the X350.5 and the X600.5? In a previous post there was mentioned that the X600.5 would have more sparkle!?
hocklin, have you considered calling Pass Labs directly? Folks at Pass are extremely helpful. Try:

Pass Laboratories,
PO 219,
Foresthill, CA
95631 -
Voice: 530. 367. 3690 -
Fax: 530. 367. 2193 -
www. passlabs. com

have a chat with Kent and let us know what you hear.