Upgrade in five channel amplifier

Current System:

Classe SSP 60 Processor
Sunfire Signature Grand Five Channel Amp (Original Version)
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Homes, Solo and rears
Heavily modded Pioneer DVD Player
Velodyne 12" Sub
MAS Speaker and Interconnects

I am overall happy with the sound of my system during movie and concert playback. When I listen in two channel is the problem. The music is uninvolving and I have a hard time listening at length. Thought about replacing the GP Homes but others have convinced me this may not be the way to go. What five channel amp for around 4K used would be more musical than the Sunfire. Listen to mostly jazz and male and female vocalists.

Would I be better off with a excellent two channel amp and a good three channel amp?

Here are some brands that I may consider but have not auditioned:

Butler Audio
Conrad Johnson

All comments are welcome.
I'm in a similar boat, and have been thinking about adding a Vacuum Tube Logic pre-amp for use in two-channel listening. It has theater bypass circuit to pass signal on to my Rotel five-channel pre-pro. I've heard the VTL 2.5 and 5.5 in the store, and hope to arrange a home demo soon. Happy listening.
Clayton amps, good choice. I have a pair of M100's running now.....sweet....

How about something like this:

Cary SLP-2002 (highly modded)

I have no affiliation with the seller.
BAT, Sonic Frontiers, Classe, Blue Circle, many others out there. A couple bucks more and I've got a Mark Levinson 38S I can sell you.

Happy Hunting,
I have a Theta Dreadnaught that I run with my Classe ssp-30mk11 with excellent results. It is well known to be one of the best 5-channel amps that excel in 2-channel listening. Give one a listen.