parasound 3500 verses parasond jc1

I have the 3500 amp,and thinking of getting the jc1s,what will i hear differ beween them? My understanding is the jc1s are just in two cases insted of one
Apart from being differently boxed (as you note) they're NOT supposed to be identical circuits, either. They have a site that talks about that.
As to what differences you'll hear -- in simplistic terms, the JC1 simply sound better in all respects... (IMO)
BTW, why don't you like your present amp?
Having just read the review of the original 3500 from 5 years ago, they say the bass is its strong suit and the mids and highes are where the improveent should be.(Jan.00)
Which spkrs do you want to biamp? More importantly, does the manufacturer provide for active (or passive line-level) biamping? If so, you'll need a second stereo amp.