The best passive preamp

How good is one of the best passive preamp, how the transistor based bent audio or the placette or the swiss made Audio Consultant, or audio teknè, in comparision with the very best active line stage? beside the costs, is a pure quality question, for me.
If the rest of your system is passive preamp friendly (impedance, sensitivity, low capacity speakercable), you can get very good results.
My Bent NOH (transformer based) outperformed my Sonic Frontiers Line 3......
A passive is not for everyone or every system. However, I will enthusiastically second the Bent NOH. It is the very best linestage I've heard with my McCormack DNA-225 and I've had a few. Most recently, it embarrassed a Pass Labs X1, which is about three times the price.

The NOH is ultra transparent. Some may find a passive lacking somewhat in dynamics. I experienced this with a Placette and a previouslt and earlier Bent 102. However, the NOH delivers it ALL. Good luck.
I agree with 4yanx. The Placette was thin, lacking dynamics, and uninvolving in my system. My current preamp is a custom job using the same trannies as in the NOH. It is excellent and has bested many more expensive preamps in every respect, including dynamics and bass response. I also agree with his disclaimer about passive devices, even a TVC, not being the best match in every system. But when it all comes together, it is magic.
