In what ways is Mark Levinson better than Krell?

I heard both integrated amps, I prefered the krell - more liquid sounding. For those who like Levinson, what do they see in it?

Larry --

>>When you have done any of the above (if you have), you are entitled to make your comment of "ridiculous".<<

I have done the above so I guess I am entitled. You know what? It feels good to be so darn...entitled.

>>If you have not done any of the comparisons on the same system, you are not rude, just ignorant and your opinion is merely limited to you experiences.<<

Whew, I just barley escaped ignorant and landed on the Park Place of entitlement. This hardly ever happens to me!

But seriously, folks...

I'm not out to slag anyone else's gear, so I am not trying to be rude. I have done a fair amount of listening to lots and lots of gear, so when I defend the honor of my dear old Levinson 436, I think I have earned the right to sit at the big people's table and talk. Please note, though I have owned both the Levinson and the competing Krell and sold the Krells, I did not dump on the Krells, either -- and I was sincere in my comments.
I agree with Cello and with his comments about ML and I
would like try to explain some differences between older
and the latest ML models.From the tehnical view newer
models take the advantages from the latest tehnology.For
example,No.32 famous preamp has excellent measuring
performance with numerous advantages, like superior
revolutionary dc power supply,and only from that segment
is better in every details than older series (better
diode,elco caps,trafo,small filtering caps,etc.),but
something is missing.I did not listen No.32,but some of
my friends did,because there was one model available in
my place.The comments were - sounding very impressive,no
doubt,but it is more clinical and a little beat cold in
compare with better Krell's.
I heard integrated 383 and was very dissapointed.
Too bright and clinical.The only Krell that was under
their reputation was integrated 250,but many people think
that was not real Krell.Model 300&400 are fairly better.
Older ML's are made in discrete technology and that is the
reason why it seems that they are more friendly to human
ears.Latest series use more operational amps technology
and despite the fact that todays op. amps are better and
better,they still exhibit too many compromise in compare
with fully discrete topology.If you look under the cover
of the No.32 you will find so many op.amps.
And at last,Krell is still leader on the solid state market
stronger than ever ( unfortunately i am not the owner some
of their gears )and ML lost the position on the market,
cause their prices are not in order with sonic performance.
I guess that is only logical reason why Harman decided to
close that story.Personally,I am not happy with this
desicion,but ML will stay in history of the hifi, beetwen
the best's ever.
Thanks all to the posts - voice of experience no doubt -these are valuable comments for someone like me, just getting into the liquid and transparent league of equipments the world has to offer, which I simply adore. I

I will try to hear 23.5 and 235, and hunt one down on the used market.

Are you aware that the 23.5 is a power amp?
Your original post stated you were looking for a integrated amp. Getting one of these amplifiers will mean you will have to buy a preamp.
This will double your cost, at least.
Seperates are the way to go for best sound, (I have seperates myself), but only if you can afford it.

Good Luck!