Subtlety ? do any American amps do it?

Not heard that many but it strikes me that everything from the colonies sounds a bit stark and bleached. Spent a year trying to come to terms with a Pass Labs which is vastly overated ( and I mean vastly), listened a lot
to Mark Levinson and thought Thank God I did not spend a fortune on that - clean, clear, hifi and so bereft of soul that it was like a visit to the Dentist !
I'm not that biased, it's taken Naim years to make something resembling music - PRAT ? until recently bunch of narrow minded PRATS.I know lots of Naim fans and their mindset belongs to the third reich !
UK companies like Meridian and Musical Fidelity have managed to do the bizz for at least 30 years that I've known/used and they still manage to make a noise that at least resembles real music. MF get tarred with a do it cheap brush but anyone who has heard their gear and says it's crap is probably a dealer who wants to sell you something at 3/4x the price.
The Brazilians do it a treat - Heard Audiopax 88s at the last Edinburgh show and if anyone there had ears, they should have packed up and went home - different league does not describe it.
Realise this is antagonistic but want some input.
Even the UK press seems blinkered to the crap - Pass, Krell
- whoah, nice hifi, shame there's nothing remotely musical involved, apart from the laughter as they take our hard earned money !

I have a Quicksilver phonostage - lovely and a great customer focused company, had a Lancelot Camelot, super and amazingly friendly & helpful people but go to the Big boys and it's just a money grabbing frenzy ?
I dreamed of a Pass Labs for years and ? my next amp will be coming from somewhere in Europe !

Jmcgrogan2.Boy that was funny.LOL
Simon.What "colonies" are you talking about?
Isn't Scotland a British colony?Isn't true that Britain started life as a Roman colony?What about the Viking invasion?
Not meant to be subtle. Didn't think car pics were appropriate for Audiogon, that's all. Guess you were probably joking? Maybe too subtle for me.

Yeah your right but it doesn't mean we have to like it.

Post a bit antagonistic inspired by the year long saga of trying to get the Pass Labs fit for purpose.
Came from their factory with a clean bill of health - one year, two engineers, new op amps and lots of my money later,
it still makes strange noises no other amp I've ever owned makes.
Lugging 100lbs of amp all over Scotland to try in other systems(with the same problem showing whenever said amp entered the equation), did not tie in with the blame laid on my mains or grounding loops.
I have ten turntables so suggestions that I couldn't recognise a grounding loop was adding insult to injury !
The X-250 was the biggest purchase I ever made and the biggest disappointment !
The Naim bit was ott but unless things are different over the pond - 'The Flat Earthers' (Naim/Linn) were/are never the most forgiving or open minded school of people, slating anything and everything not made by these companies, hence the dig.

Jjmali - post your system and give us the benefit of your wisdom
Jmc2 - Art Audio,Border Patrol, EAR - dry,polite??? Baahh!

By subtle I meant something that sounds like real music, not metronomic hifi. There seems to be something inherently different in the way the envelope of the notes are presented
with some amps - everything starts with the same attack and ends with the same delay. Thunders along giving the gist of the rhythm but fails entirely to show any counterpoints between the players or instruments - unsubtle, unrealistic and bland but usually expensive and impressive looking and certainly at hifi shows, played very Loud in a Home Theatre set up.

Given the photos of Harley's (cutting edge technology, right enough) how can't I post my Turbo?

Yeah... I know what you mean. VPI or my Spacedeck? Easy. Manchester United or the Yankees? Again, easy. 'Vette or Lotus S2? No question. But when it comes to Cary or Wright I gotta go with the US. Like the laid back style of those two - maybe it's the South or the Northwest air. Not sure. Still the Canucks and the Brits stomp all of the US solid gear and speakers I've heard. Haven't heard much tube gear from Europe except Nagra, which is about as good as it gets. But it's a long way from the UK. Bang for buck (and soul), I always put my money with the UK.
a side issue re, the Pass: why not contact Nelson Pass (as in Pass 250) via a post at passlabs. Maybe s/one has encountered the same problem before. Cheers