What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own

My current amp is a McIntosh MC252 @ 98lbs. My old Pioneer Elite was under 10lbs, I belive. My current amp IS the heaviest I have owned.
Electronluv 45-845 monoblocks, about 145lbs each. Electronluv preamp, 2-piece (outboard power supply chassis), about 140lbs total for the 2 pieces.

Coincidentally they are also of course the best I have heard too.

Tube Research Labs GT-800's 1240 pounds shipping weight. They are a 4 chassis design with seperate tube regulated power supply (235 pounds) for each amplifier chassis (205 pounds).

More info at http://www.tuberesearchlabs.com/products/gt800.htm

So - What do you use as an amp stand? Concrete blocks?

Actually I did make amp stands from concrete blocks. I bolted 2X8's to the open ends and glued down small sections of anti-fatigue rubber matt to the top and bottom. Painted em' black. You may be able to see them on my system page. But even heavier still is the industrial Vibra-Stat platform you can see my preamp and CD/DAC. That stand is made of steel and lead and weighs about 300 lbs and is suspended on springs like small shock absorbers. It is ment for vibration control in laboratory conditions. Way overkill for the purpose it now serves...more of a conversation piece. I had to move it recently and let me tell you, it's makes the concrete blocks look mighty appealing!
