Best tube pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ?

any suggestions ?
I've not heard any preamp close to $10,000 that does not perform EXCEPTIONALLY well, really. Only issue would be some tube linestages with some SS amps with very low input impedance. Everyone will tell your the favourite, which is likely the one they currently own, and they may very well have different "sound" preferences than yours. Most recently, I've owned great linestages from CAT, ARC, Lamm, Joule, Dodd, Placette Active, BENT Tap, and Atma-sphere - all exceptional, but with my current setup, I prefer my $450 Lightspeed Attenuator and for my preference the best "preamp" under $10,000.

Frank, did you say you tried the Ayre pre with your Ayre amp and thought you could do better? If so, in what way?
Would like to add Ayon Audio. Just bought Ayon Spheris with the ReGenerator up-grade - simply put: the best (tube) pre I have ever heard. The smaller Polaris perfectly fits in the sub $ 10.000,00 category and is simply outstanding as well !