Manley Laboratories Amps-what do you think?

I am planning on using monoamps to run two Martin Logan Summit speakes. My consultant has recommended Manley Laboratories Tube amps, what do you think?
For the stats I guess they're excellent(except the SET ones certainly). Plenty of power and excellent load characteristics. Moreover simple to troubleshoot and circuitries are available for nearly any model you'll acquire.
The downside is that they "eat" tubes too fast. They also will be as good with stock tubes as well as with any expencive NOS you will ever get so don't even bother gettin' there.
Manley Labs have mostly pro-grade tube equipment.
I have owned a pair of Manley 120 watt monoblocks for just over a year. They are well constructed and laid out, sound excellent. I have had no issues with "tube eating." They are easy to bias. I have had to replace one on/off switch but no other problems.

See my review at
I have owned a pair of 250 Neo-Clasics since 2002. Still using the stock tubes. 20-35 hours per week. They are the best thing I ever did for my sound enjoyment.
The quality is first rate. E-mails and questions I have had where answered quickly and on the money. IMHO you can't do better. I check the bias every 1 to 2 months. Very easy to do.
and it holds very consistant. Use the ever-warm swicth for 5 minutes at start up and 10 to 15 at shut down and it wil extend your tube life. Less thermo shock. Thero shock is what shortens power tube life. Triode and tetrode choice is way cool too. Like to amps in one. Plus they look so cool at night or with the lites on. A very happy Manley man!