any experience w/ Wilson & Spectral?

Hi, I have a set of wilson sophias and I was curious to know how spectal amp (dma 160s) would sound? Also, do I have use spectral pre or can it be mixed with tube pre (audio research ls25).
Thank you in advance for all your inputs.
Hello Allenc:

Full range classical......

To be tactful, I can say that for me the results were less than pleasing. As the volume increased the instruments melded together into an unpleasant congested melee and loss of resolution.


Paul :-)
I heard the WP7 with Spectral amp and preamp in Montreal and found the sound to be extremely analytical and hard.
I replaced a pair of Martin-Logan CLSes + Kinergetics subs with a pair of WP7s 2 1/2 years ago. I had been running the CLSes with a Spectral DMA80 that was in turn driven by a Spectral DMC10 delta preamp. While these electronics made a wonderful combination with the Logans they were not as ideal a combination with the WP7s. Truly, there was nothing "wrong". Clarity, punch, frequency extension, imaging and soundstaging were fantastic. They just didn't have the meltingly beautiful, singing quality that I had heard elsewhere with the 7s played with tubes. I noticed the absence of this characteristic with other Spectral/Wilson (Sophia, WP7) combos at shows, dealers and in home systems. I auditioned the WP7s with literally dozens of pieces of electronics, both tubed and solid state, before coming to my decision. I feel it was time well spent.
Wilson's are just picky speakers. Picky about the room, placement within, cables, electronics, source material.

All that said, I LOVE my WP 6's. I have the new 7 tweeters in them which help. I use mostly vinyl and BAT tube pre's and amps. Purist and Transparent cable.

You'll just have to experiment some. Different rooms will cause the speaker to sound different and cause you to select different electronics.

Re: the ARC pre and spectral amps. I'd stick with one of the other. Either go all Spectral or stick with tubes.

This is just a personal opinion and not based on listening.
I have the Watt Puppy 7's with Spectral and they sound fabulous on classical, which is all I listen to, including season subscription at BSO. WPs are fussy in setup.