Tom Waits

Well, oops Tom did it again(poor joke-I know),this guy is like a fine wine,he keeps getting better and better,you think he's backed himself into a musical corner and he goes an write's himself out of it.I know there are people out there who dislike his music,although I've never met him/her.He must be the only immortal musician still alive today.
Thanks Debsal. We were posting at the same time, and had very similar thoughts. Cheers. Craig
My roommate has been turning me on to Tom Waits lately...some of his stuff is great but I think some of it will have to grow on me (the stuff that sounds like evil clown music)...then again, the Grateful Dead didnt do much for me in the early 80's, but by 87, they were and are to this day my favorite band...I have a feeling that Tom Waits will gradually earn his way into my all time favorites
'Evil clown music'-I love it!If holly cole covers other peoples songs does that make her a musician or merely an interpreter.By the way there's a great piece on Mr Waits in this months GQ magazine
Waits produced a tune on a Primus disc. "Evil Clown Music" sounds like a somewhat appropriate description of that too. Sean