Bought, Sold, Rebought,Sold Bought again.

I am notorious for buying a piece of equipment,selling it for one reason or another, and after a few years pass I get the urge to purchase that same component again. I don't know if it is because I regreted letting it go, found it at a better price than I originally paid, or for nostalgic reasons. I've done this numerous times, most recently with the Sonographe SA-250, and the Superphon Revelation preamp. Anyone else experience this, thanks for contributing.
i have the habit of buying a piece that i already have and enjoy. usually more the older power amps. how many is too many? kurt
Yup, that fits me perfectly. I bought an audio refinement complete four times. It took me a while to realize it's value to me. Also, I bought a pair of Paradigm studio 20's twice. And also a pair of Revel M20's twice. You would think I'd learn after the first time...