Bonzo's drum sound

Never having seen Led Zepplin in person, I was wondering if Bonzo's heavy and incredibly solid drum sound was real or a product of the recording studio.
Heard them perform in Chicago in 1969 if I remember correctly. The venue was the Kinetic Playground (AKA Aaron Russo's Electric Theater) where the weekend crowd at that time was small (2000-2500) and we all sat on the floor in front of the stage which was about 36" high. Needless to say, it was intimate. We were about 25 feet from the stage and I can assure everyone that John's drumming style was not conceived with the assistance of recording tricks. He was very heavy handed at times but always in control. Another similar style drummer who I heard at even closer range was the drummer for Lee Michaels. He was a big guy who I thought was going to end up putting his foot pedal thru the bass drum and his sticks thru the snare. Surely not as fast as Bonham but similarly loud. It was just him accompanying Lee on organ so he had his work cut out for him. Both drummers created a real driving force when heard live. Another incredible note on the Zepplin concert-on the bill with them that night was two other little known bands...Savoy Brown and Jethro Tull. And as incredible as it may seem, tickets at the window were 5.00 a head.....and that's no BS. Ahh, the good old days!
Was at the last MSG show in high school. Got inside to hear the soundcheck beforehand. (Not Bonham playing). Drums sounded ok and the guy was playing hard but sounded nothing like when Bonzo did his soundcheck a little later. We were surprised the heads didn't just rip in half.
Krelldog, my favorite band of all time too. Truly one of the most versatile, original, and talented bands ever assembled IMO.
To answer the question, my opinion would be that Bonzo's drum sound was his own creation by and far. If I remember correctly, they were booted out of an early gig or two for that very reason; his style and power.