Carmina Burana - I need a good CD

I need a recommendatin of a good recording of the Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff. The more big and bawdy the better.
The thread you are looking for is here, and as I did in that thread, I still heartily recommend the Telarc with Donald Runnicles & the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, which I think you'll be particularly pleased with (especially if you're looking for an SACD version).

The disc is a hybrid, so you get 2-channel Redbook, 2-channel SACD and multi-channel SACD all on one disc. My setup is 2-channel only, though, so I can't comment on the multi-channel program, but both of the stereo programs (especially the SACD) sound great!
I like the Shaw/Atlanta over the more recent Blomstedt/SF, but my favorite is actually a small-scale chamber version with 2 pianos fron Sweden...let's see...BIS CD-734 Kroumata Percussion Ensemble & The Uppsala Choir School Children's Choir. Extraordinarily dynamic!