Requesting jazz quartet CD suggestions

I heard some great live club quartet Jazz that I loved recently on a business trip with a rental car equipped with XM radio. I didn't figure out how to push a specific button to identify the artist and CD name until I turned the car in (stupid me) or I could have written down dozens of potential CDs to peruse. This Jazz was not "cool jazz" or "smooth" jazz, but real live quartet Jazz with drums, bass, horns and piano. Can you guys direct me to some well recorded CDs that might fit this bill? Thanks.
Does this mean you're just becoming familiar with acoustic jazz? If so, there are any number of amazing recordings out there. Let me have a little more info about what you heard and what you liked and I'll give you some targeted suggestions.
Ok, my jazz likes have included some of the more popular newer stuff like smooth jazz recordings from Larry Carlton, Acoustic Alchemy, David Sanborn. Vocal jazz from Karrin Allison, Rene Marie, Tierney Sutton, Jane Monheit. I'm looking to get into some live jazz with good rhythms and an over all "feel goodness" about them. I don't want to get too specific, I planned on filtering through the recommendations made here to identify what I'm looking for. I especially am looking for well recorded stuff. I previously asked for acoustic guitar recommendations and I ended up buying everything from Nickle Creek to Dave Matthews to Jonathan Butler, three different styles but I enjoy them all. sound stream. I've lived all over the U.S. because of my profession and this is one of the best public stations for traditional jazz and lots of quartet/trio music. They play the gambit of old to new artists and always tell you what they've played. Welcome to non-disposible music.
For someone still recording, producing very assessible sax orientated recordings of jazz standards try Houston Persons. I'm fond of a recent recording by him doing a duet w/Ron Carter but he has 6 or 7 others with a standard grouping recorded on High Note CD's. I'm partial to "Blue Velvet". You might also like Ron Carter's recordings with his own group.