Have U ever bought an LP because of the cover art?

I was talking to a friend who was telling me that he got into various artists because the LP cover was interesting, have you ever bought something for the same reason?
Not that I exactly "got into" the artist but I recall buying David Bromberg Band - Reckless Abandon some 25+ years ago because of the LP cover. Enjoyed the album though I never bought anything else.
Instead of listing the many forgotten albums purchased for cover art I'll just give the first that I recall. King Crimson, In the Court of the Crimson King, it's the album with the large painted face that I couldn't pass up. Must've been 1970 or so. Wow these threads are great for the memories.
I used to purchase MANY albums by artists that i've never heard on the cover art / name of the songs. Then again, that was back when one could actually see the art on a full sized 12" LP. Trying to decipher what's on the cover of a CD is just about useless and doesn't grab nor hold my attention for long. Same goes for liner notes. It's just not the same anymore... Sean