John Lennon

As this is the 20th anniversary of the tragic death of John Lennon i would like to share my respect with all Audiogon members.
Its hard to believe that 20 years has passed (thats half my life so far) and while no life lost counts for more than another music in general and his fans died a little that day to...
Just like the day JFK was shot and the day we first landed on the moon I remember exactly where I was that first moment, of disbelief, when I first heard John Lennon was killed. Lord how I miss those days of discovery and wonder; of the 60's as the Beatles helped establish a new world of music and awareness. Thank you Mikec for reminding me of this rather sad day and the events of 20 yrs ago. John was always my favorite Beatle. He lives on in my heart and I will never tire of his music.
SALUTE to the man who wasn't afraid to stand up for his beliefs, was so humble even with his mega-talent, who unquestionably changed my life, who still influences me today, and who's band may have saved the world from utter destruction by ourselves... tears even today, 20 years later...