What was your biggest priority?

There has been a lot of discussion in some of the other threads about where the focus or emphasis should be when spending money on your system. When you look at your system (other than the room in which it resides) where did you actually spend the most money? Did the majority of your hard earned money go into speakers, amp/amps, pre-amp, digital, or turntable/arm/cartridge??? Or was it somewhere else?
Definately my amps... 2 systems... Aragon Palladiums, in the ss system and Sonic Frontiers in the tube setup It took a while before I really found amps that meshed with my system... once the amps were nailed down, everything just got better!..Cables definately second... Source gear third..Krell kav 300 and classe cdp3.. and my modified Rega p3...But overall, material is the most consitently purchased items.. cds, lps, and dvds..
Relatively equal for turntable, phono stage, amps. Cables the highest cost due to long runs and the room equal to all cost of equipment combined.
My pre amp and amplifier were my most expensive pieces,
the logic being that it would make all my different sources (turntable, CD player, DVD, VCR, Direct TV) sound the best. However I am certain the sources are limiting the potential of my stereo (by quite a bit).

One of my reasons for doing this is that I really care about the sound quality of movies, not noisy action films, but thoughtful (often foreign) story (art) films.

My speakers are Maggie 1.6 which are cheating a little bit because I really think they hold their own with much more expensive speakers and components.
My system is as good as it's weakest link. Usually, when I upgrade one thing, it begins a lengthy (fun) process of a total system upgrade. I always say to my wife, however, "this is the last time honey." Anybody relate to this? Don't go crazy here. I already know your answer. We're audiophools. It's incurable.
The priority is based on the perceived weakest link and the best return on investment (sound-wise of course).

Speakers 33%
Cables 37%
Amplifier 15%
CD 15%