What causes imaging or the lack of it

My friend and I both have Innersound EROS electrostats, with only a few differences in equipment. My system has incredible imaging, and his has none! We can move my speakers almost anywhere in posistions in attempt to stop imaging, and its still there. On the other hand, we can position his speakers in every possible position except, hanging from the ceiling and no imaging at all. You can rule out anything to do with the distance between them. the distance to the sweet spot, the toe, etc, etc. We both set up our systems perfectly in accordance with Innersound specs. We are trying to find out just what could be causing the difference in our systems, or why his is not imaging? I dont like equipment listings on threads but,it may be necessary for you to help.

My system - Innersound EROS MK1's with MK2 panels, MK3 bass xover amp, and ESL amp. Pioneer elite DV-05 dvd player as transport, Assemblage 2.6 platnum DAC, and d2d upsampler, Kimber D-60 digital cables amd MIT T2 interconnects

His system - Innersound EROS MK1's with MK2 panels, original bass xover amp and parasound amp for panels. same dvd player, same digital cables, same interconnects. His dac is being utilized through an EAD Encore.

Even if you can explain what creates imaging, it will help us. Thanks....
I would put money your rooms are the factor. From my experience(in particular with dipole speakers) the room is just about as important as speaker location. He could have a dirtier power supply which also has a BIG effect on imaging- which can't help electrostats any let alone the other gear.
The speakers are phased correctly, if you mean the positives and negatives are correct on all 4 speaker cables. He is using a Panamax 1500 line conditioner for all equipment, and have tried it, with and without it, with same results.