Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
I second Onemug's response. Sold off most of my Marantz tube gear but kept the 8B. I think I'll pass this along to my son. The finest amp I've ever heard. And the construction is leagues better than most of the stuff out there!
I believe there's a Pharaoh Audio Giza II with a Stygian mod that will transcend those parameters.
The first amp i ever owner: Dyna SCA 35. Sweet EL 84 tube amp. I know, not the latest word, but the end of all travel is to return whence we came and know the place for the first time (T.SD. Elliott).
The Berning ZH270. Simply because it is dependable, has auto biasing, is clear and transparent with no obvious deficiencies, is easy on tubes. Is it the best? No because that is always subject to change depending on speaker load and taste, the reason why folks often change, there is no best. I have heard other amps I really like in given systems but the Berning is just a great design that never fails to amaze me after 8+ years of owning it. I can see no reason to change it, it is too special.