Remote control codes?

Does anyone know how if possible, to find out the numerical code of a remote? I have a new "learning remote", and it wont LEARN a damn least not my remotes that I have, and my 'brands' arent in the listing of name brands that will work..HELP!!!!
So far.. no luck at all....cant even find who makes the damn thing...I will not stop until I have conquered the "remote cloning war".
Here is a universal remote control with what appears to be a much better approach - Harmony
Homer, I'd like too, but I am way too hard-headed for something so easy..I suppose it is a Marine thing.
Remeber Marine, sometimes you have to do a tactical retreat, regroup, reorginize and hit the objective from another way. Easy doesn't mean you cheated or the situation beat you. It doesn't matter how you take the objective, just that you take it. Just a little food for thought from one military man to another. ( I opoligize if your female)