Should Escrow be Required?

I've noticed alot of expensive high end stuff from sellers with no feedback lately. Most don't post pictures but some do cut and paste from manufacturer's websites. I've also noticed that many, but not all, of these listings have poor grammer. Shouldn't an owner of a $5,000 component be able to construct an intelligent description of the item? Here's an example: "it s a excellent piece from Aragon,barely used . Give it to the best offer. Paypal plus%". (Don't flame me now!) Personally I won't buy an expensive item from a seller with no feedback unless they accept escrow. Should escrow be a requirement for no feedback sellers selling expensive goods? What does everyone think?

I think you need to talk to the seller and be comfortable. It goes both ways. I bought two items recently. One expensive by your standards, one not that pricey. The expensive item involved some discussion and the seller shipped after I told him my payment was on the way. For the less expensive item, I told the seller I would purchase the item after I after I got home (1 week)from vacation. He received my payment by check and waited for it to clear, then shipped.

Both transactions involved a different level of trust. One for shipping early, and one for holdong an item that could have been sold sooner

In both cases I had good feedback and talked to the person about myself, and more importantly them.

It all amounts to knowing your buyer or seller. All that being said I would never send a cashier's check as payment in advance. Escrow services give help to both parties in expensive transactions.
If you are going to use escrow, be wary of such sites as :

These are fraudulent sites. Ebay recommends if you are in the US or Canada.
Dear Buyer. Of course it is not your fault that you have no feedback,everybody has to start someplace. I would prefer to make payment into your bank account so there is a record in the federal reserve system functioning as a bill of sale. As soon as I receive the piece,I'll give you good feedback.
((1.It's easy for a crook to create his/her own fraudulant good feedback using fake names.2.If you make the payment into a bank account,for the cost of a phone call,you can talk to a bank officer and find out what the officer thinks about the bank's customer.(Read between the lines.)
I think that the advice from those suggesting phone contact with the seller is prudent however, realize that written verification of all claims made in a transaction is very important if the matter ends up either as a dispute, in Audigon dispute resolution, or even court. Putting it all down in writing, before money changes hands, protects both buyer and seller.