Analog a dying breed

I spoke with a dealer today and we discussed the business of hi-end audio. He feels that in 10-15 years the analog market will not exist. He says the younger generation is
not interested in vinyl. Do you think this dealer is correct.
Eldartford: Since the material being played might well have predated not only the vinyl long-player but also magnetic tape, that rumble (did you hear it or see it?) could have been an artifact from the original transcription disks and not the LP's (or whatever medium they had been transferred to, if indeed they were transferred at all - are you sure they couldn't have been playing some original disks?). Either way though, your audiophile-centric anecdotal observation hardly seals shut the ultimate fate of records as a breed. You mention you have a turntable, yet don't say anything about any horrible rumble you're getting at home, so I assume that you don't. So why give that personal experience less weight than the isolated broadcast instance? The question isn't limited to whether or not records will be surpassed in their goodness as a medium ; that already happened 50 years ago with reel-to-reel tape as far as sound goes, 35 years ago with 8-track and cassette as far as portability goes, and 20 years ago with CD as far as durable convenience goes. So why aren't records long gone right now? The answer doesn't have as much to do with sound quality issues as audiophiles might tend to think.
I do not beleive that Analog is a dying breed. Reason?...I was visiting my daughter at Michigan State University a few weeks ago. I stopped into one of many record stores near the campus. Lots of used/new analog vinyl for sale. Guess what these young whipper snappers were snatching up...Vinyl! I asked several students why? Their responce was "better sound quality than CD and way cooler". These are our future leaders and shakers speaking!
Zaikesman..."Audiophilecentric" really does not describe me...after all I did persevere to listen to these historic recordings in spite of their problems. Your suggestion that they might have been 78s may well be correct, and perhaps the program producers did not use proper equalization, thus aggravating the problem.

As to rumble on my own's no worse that other high end systems that I have heard, but, as I have commented in the past, it remains, along with surface noise and dust accumulation on the stylus, a real impediment to my enjoyment of the underlying good sound of vinyl.

Not dead perhaps, but how long will the life support be continued? In line with that analogy...I have not "pulled the plug" in my own system by getting rid of the TT. A sentimental issue mostly.
Man, I just can't listen to CDs for more than an hour or two. For me, vinyl isn't sentimental - it's a necessity.
