System for a dorm - how is this?

Well I am back in school, Law School now, and I am looking to get a system set up for my dorm room. The room is about 12ft x 17 ft rectangle. I listen to almost everything from jazz to metal, but usually it is more along the lines of Dylan, Cash, Wilco, Death Cab, Thursday, indie type stuff I guess.
I am looking to spend in the $1200-$1500 range unless the extra $500 would really upgrade the system.
One problem though is that I would like CD and a turntable, so it may hurt with the budget, but lets see what we can do.
Right now these are the things I have been looking into.

-Cambridge Audio Azure 540 or 640 Integrated Amp
-CD - A NAD (which one?) or Rotel 1072 or Cambridge Audio Azure
-Turntable - Simiko Pro-Ject 1.2 or the one below
-Speakers - EPOS - ELS3
AND as a possible alternative or addition: a headphone and and the Grado 80 (something like that)

So what do you think? What would be good speaker cable and interconnect cable to start looking into? Will these pieces gel together well? Thanks for the help for a newbie.
Why not the NAD combo? Because everything I've read seems to point to the unit being trash. Not nearly as good as the separate units.

There's a lot more to building a unit than simply cutting down on the number of interconnects. Generally I love NAD's gear. I own it and use it. But that's one unit that I'd simply pass up on.
The suggestion of the Philips 963 DVD/CD player is a good one if you've also got any interest at all in video. I helped a coworker put together a system recently that she's very happy with, the 963, a pair of the Soliloquy 5.0's I recommended above and a Creek A50i integrated amp. She was equally interested in music and movies (but didn't care about 'home theater.')

Substitute any of the less expensive integrateds that have been recommended for the Creek and you'd be within your budget (except for the turntable, but you're going to be busy with law school and not have the time to track down vinyl, and except for the TV, but these are the kind of complications you're faced with when you ask opinionated strangers for advice.)
madmilkman, I was not addressing the question to you however it is interesting to hear your thoughts, I remember a TAS review on one of the NAD combo units and it was very positive. Maybe my memory is faulty? Also one remote has it's advantages.

I stand firm on the quality wire point and think any reasonable components with quality wire performs quite well bringing a presence to the sound that is lost with lesser wire.

Also I have to get up on my soapbox one more time for the Reynaud Twins. Reynaud speakers in general are very good at conveying the emotion and presence of live musicians and are easy to drive.

Jmurry16, best of luck with all these differing opinions!

Actually, the remote that comes with the 320BEE controls both NAD's CD players and tuners. It's an excellent remote compared to their older models.

I don't recall reading TAS review of the integrated unit. It may in fact be very good, but I really don't think that it can hold a candle to the separate boxes.
I really just wanted to thank you all again for all the suggestions and help. Although I do enjoy video, I am much more interested in music so although the Philips looked intriguing I believe I will be going another way. Hopefully next week I can try some things out.