Customs delays from US to Canada

Hi all,

Just wondering if any of my fellow Canadians are experiencing delivery delays from the States due to the Customs strikes. Was reading about 4 to 5 week backlogs in processing cross border mail today, and I'm about to have a shipment sent to me. Depressing !

Thanks, Mike
I'm in Montreal. I had a delivery Friday and another yesterday from the States. Didn't seem to be any problem. Am waiting for one more but it's not late yet.
i just read this about the delays. seems that customs is getting a little crusty no longer accepts mail addressed to "aunt ruth."
I received a shipment in two weeks from Champaign-Illinois to Toronto with USPS this Monday (not Audio related)There is another one on it,s way (USPS Audio related)from Miami FL,it was shipped a week ago today,I am hoping to get it this Friday.Most of the times I get my packages in roughly about a week and a half to two weeks time.I don't mind waiting I just hate the taxes.
I have recieved a couple of things lately from China with exeption of the agreed upon 2 weeks I expierenced no delays from Customs!