TO upgrade or NOT, that is the question!

I have an old Onkyo Tx-7000 90wpc. reciever that is 15 yrs. old. This was the top of the line model at that time. My question is would i get better sound quality from a newer integrated amp? I just listen to music cd's, no ht or surround. My system is Klipsch reference 3 mains (98db.) and M+K V125 sub. Listening area is 14x21 Cd player is Sony CDP-CX210 (kinda cheap but i like it). Speaker wire Monster 12 ga. time correct, Monster Interlink 400 interconnects. Here's the kicker, i only have $500 to $600 to spend. Please give me any suggestions that would be helpful. I'm just a novice looking for advice, Thanks Please list make and model #'s if you have integrated amp suggestions please
Sugarbrie, don't leave out Magnum Dynalab's receiver. Their receiver looks very impressive and I read a very favorable review on it.
Your CD player is your real Problem.I had a cheap 10 year old player and was using at the time 20 year old Kenwood amp with Klipsch Hersey.I tried a CDP 1000 Parasound player.Wow you could not belive the improvment in sound.You can get a used one for about 200.00.As for cables.Stay away from Nordst,Vanden hul most of the big name cables are not worth the money.Go to follow the links to recomended components.Go to about the Coincident Speaker Technolgy CST 1.I will put this up against any cable at any price.Its 299.00 US.Thats a total of 500.00 you will spend and your system will sound brand new.
Check out audioadvisor they may have some new Parasound CDP 1000 for 249.00.Its a major steal.See the above site highend audio.go to recomended on cd.
i used to have k forte .i used nad reciver sound was pretty good.the 98 db will let you use almost anything my problem was to tame the fatigue of the horns .your best money would go for a new cd.the old one plus the horns would drive me crazy but that's a matter of taste.rotel makes great cd at good prices also adcom ,the gcd 700 changer is very good also nad has good cd players at your price range ,you can play with the cables latter.i would stay away from silver if you have hoens let your ears be the judge .good luck
I agree with Tm12: the best thing you can do is to change your CD-player, that is unless your receiver is beyond repair. Al the cables are there to get the best out of your kit, but (and I've got the same CD-player as you have, but for a secondary system) unfortunately there is not to much hifi in your CD-player......