Will Internet Distroy High End ?

The internet has been a godsend to those who wish to trade used equipment. It has also been ok for those dealers who care to do internet business. In the long run however, I don't envy local high end dealers. As more people jump on the used equipment bandwagon it may have a serious detrimental effect on new equipment sales. That in turn may distroy or shrink the cottage industry we call "High End Audio." We would then be left with all the mass merchandisers who want to reduce us all to mid-fi garbage. What do you think ?
Sam, and your doing a bang up job of getting the word across. What you fail to fathom is that people like you who cannot hear the difference between 90% of the components out their (your quote not mine) are a very small minority, which does not include my wife, my 14 year old godson, neighbors and friends or for that matter any guest that I have ever had over to audition different gear in the 30 years that I have been doing this. I seriously doubt if the Internet will aid you in conforming the audio world to your personal reality. Maybe you should just consider yourself "special" and leave it at that, instead of annoying the shit out of the majority?
Well, Dekay sums it up perfectly. If you do not want to buy it then don't. This reminds me of the telemarketers that you try to politely tell you are not interested but they keep yapping in your ear until you hang up out of frustration.
Aw shoot - Sam had me going there for a minute that we were FINALLY going to answer the subjectivist vs. objectivist debate thanks to the Internet, despite the fact that the internet has been around a fairly long time and doesn't appear to have put much of a dent in resolving the debate. Now you guys come along and rain on my parade.....
I thought most hi-end manufactures does not allow dealers to sell their products via internet.aka territorial protection? I also think the manufactures are to blame as well. They priced their products so high (high margin too) that you can tell the big difference between the internet and brick and mortor prices. If the mark up is a little less, the prices should relatively by the same...no?