Power Conditioner Decision

I'm lookin to buy a power conditioner and have narrowed down to 3 choices as follow:
1. MIT Z-Center
2. Blue Circle 85.1
3. Richard Gray 400s
Regardless of price tags, which one would be better with my system consisting of
1. Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 CD player
2. Pioneer DVD Changer
3. BAT VK-5i preamp
4. EAD Signature
5. Jeff Rowland Model 5 amp

P.S. I live in an apartment where electric current usually being drawn by neighbors who listen to very loud rock music.
I would suggest investing in a very high powered CB radio with an indoor antenna. You can then create MASS kaos with the offending neighbors when they start to hear some "jerk" coming through their stereos, TV's and telephones. If you can get it set-up "right", you can literally scare them into turning things off or down for fear of their equipment blowing up or being damaged. You can then listen in peace, at least until you have to "scare them off" again... : )

Quite honestly, i think that you are in one of the situations where power line filtering pays off the most. While i have not noticed "ultra massive" improvements by using various PLC's, some of my friends in apartments, condo's and those that live in "downtown metropolis" type buildings have claimed GREAT advances by using said devices.

With that in mind, are you currently using / have you ever used any PLC's in your system ? If so, what makes & models ? I'd like to make a suggestion but would rather wait and see if you've already "been there, done that" before opening my big mouth. Sean
I've never had any power conditioner in my system before. So, I don't have any experiences with any of them.... Your suggestion would be appreciated....

Supakit S.
The Blue Circle and Richard Grey consitioners are both highly regarded. The MIT is also fine, but is considered overpriced by many for how it performs. In that price range also look at Vansevers, Chang Lightspeed, Tice and Audio Power.
PLC's that are known to not constrain dynamics include:
Chang Lightspeed - get one of the units with 30 amp current capacity for minimum surge impedance, such as CLS1000MKII.
VansEvers Unlimiter
Shunyata Hydra