Differences between Accuphase C-2820 and C-3800?

Hi there, I'm mulling over the purchase of the C-2820 but have not totally written off the flagship C-3800. Does anyone know how they differ sonically?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Nvp - apologies for the late reply. Yes the upgrade bug has bitten and yes I have listened to the A-46 versus the P-6100 and preferred the A-46 which I thought was a lot more musical, especially with the ribbons on my K6s. I considered the A-65 but it doesn't have two speaker outputs, which is what I need. So it'll be the A-46 for me.

As for preamps - no, I haven't listened to any yet. I figured I'd add the A-46 first, then wait a while (and save like mad!).

Dfwmediagroup - thanks very much for your input. Yes, I think if I do decide on a dedicated preamp, I should seriously consider the C-3800. Will have to see how the finances go after the A-46 purchase, and also whether I can have a home demo of the 2820 against the 3800 to see how each performs in my system.

Many thanks again for your inputs guys.
Quote : "I considered the A-65 but it doesn't have two speaker outputs, which is what I need. So it'll be the A-46 for me."

Hi Classact, are you using the A-46 as yet? If so, did you find bi-wiring them wrought much further improvement? Appreciate if you could extent on the difference.

Can imagine how mighty fine your ProAc's are sounding now driven by A-46.. Enjoy!
Hi Bvdiman - yes the K6s sounds fabulous with the A-46, but they are not bi-wired. I actually connect a second pair of speakers to the amp's speaker B terminals so I can enjoy a different sound when I want it.

For example, for late night listening sometimes the K6 can be a bit overpowering so I switch speakers to something more mellow. Currently, my speaker B is the Spendor SA-1 but I'm considering trying Harbeth as well...
Hi Classact, interesting.. In so doing, do you use switch or manually? - as I don't recall seeing any A/B speaker select switch in most of their recent amps. My vintage integrated (E302 - '80s) did have them though. What cabling (IC, SC, PC) you using?

The C3800 is an extremely well built and great sounding piece. Have you gotten around to listen yet? Or perhaps already using one now? ;)

Bvdiman, unlike most of the old Accuphase power amps, the new amps (i.e. including the A-46 amp) have two sets of speaker terminals and therefore also on/off buttons (on the front panel) for each set.

Also Bvdiman, would you care to share with us your thoughts on FM Acoustic vs. Accuphase electronics. Dave, who also posted here is interesting in buying one of these two brands. (Since there are not that many posts and/or contributors to this thread, I hope Classact will not mine this "distraction".)

Classact, interesting to hear that you have found the A-46 to be better than the P-6100 amp. What preamp have you used for this comparison?