Do you get Ringing in the Ears from your hi-fi?

Lets face it, any prolonged exposure to loud sound can produce a permanent hearing loss. Even ONE exposure to sound over 120 DB for a few minutes can permanently damage the delicate ear apparatus. Have you found yourself buying higher powered amps and turning the volume up over the years, or have you joined the ranks of those listening to 6" speakers and 2 watt triodes? I limit my exposure to under 15 minutes per day. Some say that a person can listen an ultra clean sounding, low distortion system without any hearing loss, such as in a recording studio. I have found that listening to sealed enclosure speakers(klh or AR) produces more hearing loss that a bass reflex speaker will. Have you ever noticed RINGING IN THE EARS after listening to your stereo? This is actually an indication of damage to the hearing mechanism.
I have tinnitus in the left ear only and it is intermittant.It started after a loud Three Dog Night concert at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville,NC 3 years ago.My hearing seems normal(for age 57) and I listen to everything from classical to Allman Brothers at no higher than 70 to 75 db with some 85db excursions. The medical recommendations are to keep the SPLs below 85db and you are okay. Three Dog night was way louder from the 5th row. I had no earplugs and stuffed paper in my ears, but it didn't help. I'm sure I have some damage because of the continued tinnitus. Be careful of concerts.
I am 62 and tinnius is part of my life, do not remember a day without. The pitch I hear is quite loud, I would have to listen to music a little loud to cover it up. Never went to a rock concert. The loudest sound I ever heard was jet power truck at the drag strip, just had to plug my ears, WAY to loud. The sound set off some car alarmes in the parking lot which was further from the source.

I always sleep with a fan on mostly for the sound, but after reading this thread, I'll add a timer to it.
Mike, that's one crazy story. What was his life like once he had his hearing back in that ear?