Blind Power Cord Test & results

Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity teamed up with the Bay Area Audiophile Society (BAAS) to conduct a blind AC power cord test. Here is the url:

I suppose you can interpret these results to your follow your own point of view, but to me they reinforce my thoughts that aftermarket AC cords are "audiophile snakeoil"
QUOTESo, people who want to convince me that exotic power cords affect audio equipment, need to come up with some rational explanation as to how this might happenQUOTE

Right on! I mean, heaven forbid we should have to listen ourselves and make our own decisions. That's why scientists get the big bucks, right? :^
Some people believe in psychic phenomena...

And some people are Psychic phenomena!!!

Joke aside, Eldart, don't confuse metaphysical with psychic...
If you can't hear a difference, what difference would any "scientific" test make to your listening experience? For those of us who can hear a difference--where we have put ourselves to the "test" of reliably distinguishing between some cords in our systems--what is there to prove? I don't really understand what explains the differences I have heard between some cords, interconnects and speaker cables. Nor do I care. Nor do I want to convince anyone else, beyond recommending that they listen for themselves. No one is threatening to deny cord nonbelievers their rights and liberties. As for the psychic phenomena comparison: if someone could reliably tell me what numbers I had written down, out of her view, I wouldn't doubt she is "psychic." While scientists would no doubt like an explanation of this phenomenon, the absence of a scientific explanation would bear not at all on the reality of the phenomenon. So I am not sure why the science-types continue to insist on proof from those of us who are mere listeners--unless they are actually directing their skepticism only to those science-types who also claim to be able hear differences between some cords.
Lmack...You missed the point about the psychic. No doubt you would believe her, although the trick is probably done by a mirror or something like that. The point is that if the mechanism for psychic power were discovered, then it's existance would be accepted by sceptics. Don't argue that it exists...tell me how it works. You may not care how it works, but that's your ticket to credibility.

This is an exercise in understanding human nature, not audio.

QUOTEDon't argue that it exists...tell me how it works.QUOTE doesn't count unless you can explain it! Kind of like why we're all here. We aren't, really, unless you can explain it. Again, that's why scientists get the big bucks. Until they explain it, I won't believe I'm really here...plain and simple. :^