Best bookshelf speakers for bookshelf placement

What are the best options for bookshelf speakers that are actually going to be used on shelves that flank my fireplace in my listening room? I prefer a transparent sound that allows as much of a soundstage as possible considering the placement restrictions.

Totem Acoustic Model 1 Signature are the best bookshelf speakers (that are actually bookshelf sized) that I have heard.
Excellent question... I also have the same need. I am assuming that all rear ported speakers would be a bad choice. I saw on a thread that Rives suggested building a cabinet in the bookshelf around an in wall designed speaker. Makes sense to me.
See the Stereophile website for current coverage of CES where Wilso has come out with some 'true' bookshelf speakers MEANT to be set on shelves. (no affiliation with wilson stereophile or anybody else!)
North Acoustics Spirit. The best by far. Believe me, I have tried many.
The website is down right now. You can learn a little about the company at
Same owner, George Short.