Tyler Signature System versus Merlin VSM-MM

For those who have compared these systems, I would be interested in comments.

Use is two channel, but surround speakers may be added using these as fronts for HT.

Room is 19x33. Listening positon is about 11-13 feet from 19ft wide wall. Total room volume is about 5000 cubic feet.

The room can eat low frequencies (basement with carpet, insulated walls and acoustic ceiling). If I do the HT, I definitely will be looking at a 15" or larger sub.

I have a pair to Tyler Taylo Reference Monitors in a small A/V setup and I like the sound for that purpose. They would be far short of the weight needed in the bigger room and lack the lower bottom end.

Amp is a Plinius 8200p (175 watts) and preamp is 20-year-old PS Audio which will be replaced. Arcam CD.

In the used market, the Merlins are slightly more expensive (roughly 4k vs 3K+). I tend to keep equipment a long time, so the price difference is not important.

I would be interested in comparisons. I'm in the Denver area and can't demo either system. My guess is that I would have to integrate a sub with Merlins based on what I have read.

The system will be on at all times since the the TV sound is run though it.

Thanks in advance.

Ag insider logo xs@2xjerrym303
Dave, just curious - approximately how small was the "smallish room" you reference?

Dave put it perfectly. And Bobby, well, his words are nothing but golden if you ask me. Did anyone ask me?

To my ear, the Merlins are more refined sounding than the Tylers, with a masterful presentation of the music. However, they will not fill your room as well.

Some other options in your price range:
Silverline Sonata II (used about $2600), and they use the SEAS drivers like the Tylers
Von Schweikert VR4 GenIII SE (used about $3800). They go real low, have an adjustable tweeter, and are phenomenal speakers.

Best of luck.
"Merlin's more refined sound"
Exactly how do you define "refined"?
Cuase the Seas' speakers I have sound quite refined(fidelity=true to the exact image placed on the original medium of recording.)
The B&W's I had were "grainy, rough, smoky, fatiguing and voices barked" in comparison. But more importantly with the Seas, vocals sound as realistic as if you are at a live show.
Just what Jerry says he's after.
If Merlin manufacture wishes to challenge my beliefs, they have the opportunity to ship me the speakers and I'll be glad to conduct a fair comapre with the Seas.
I'll even meet them on half ship costs.
Any takers?
In fact I'll pay half ship for any speakers that wish me to make a compare to the Seas.
Any takers?
I'm planning a visit to a Tyler ower in Jackson Mississippi in mAy to hear his System's 2, a Seas T25/W18/W22.
At which point I can make a few comments on Ty's work.
Maybe in the summer I'll make a visit to Ty's studio in Kentucky. I want to hear the 3 way with the W26. But not sure why Ty's uses the inferior Scan Speak tweet in that speaker.

Didn't meant to cause a stir.

Most the comparisons I have seen favor the Tylers over Sonatas and VS speakers until you get to the Vr4 sr. In a few years, that might be a good option once some used units start to circlulate. At the same price, I would certainly look. The only drawback is that I would like to put my mains a little closer to the wall and the rear-firing tweet requires some clearance. The front-ported Tylers are supposed to be pretty flexilbe on placement.

Paul, I think that Ty substitutes drivers on request. I know he does on tweets frequently.

Most the comparisons I have seen favor the Tylers over Sonatas and VS speakers until you get to the Vr4 sr.
I'd like to read some of those comparisons, if you can provide some links or references to where the comparisons have been published.