Tyler Signature System versus Merlin VSM-MM

For those who have compared these systems, I would be interested in comments.

Use is two channel, but surround speakers may be added using these as fronts for HT.

Room is 19x33. Listening positon is about 11-13 feet from 19ft wide wall. Total room volume is about 5000 cubic feet.

The room can eat low frequencies (basement with carpet, insulated walls and acoustic ceiling). If I do the HT, I definitely will be looking at a 15" or larger sub.

I have a pair to Tyler Taylo Reference Monitors in a small A/V setup and I like the sound for that purpose. They would be far short of the weight needed in the bigger room and lack the lower bottom end.

Amp is a Plinius 8200p (175 watts) and preamp is 20-year-old PS Audio which will be replaced. Arcam CD.

In the used market, the Merlins are slightly more expensive (roughly 4k vs 3K+). I tend to keep equipment a long time, so the price difference is not important.

I would be interested in comparisons. I'm in the Denver area and can't demo either system. My guess is that I would have to integrate a sub with Merlins based on what I have read.

The system will be on at all times since the the TV sound is run though it.

Thanks in advance.

Ag insider logo xs@2xjerrym303
Most the comparisons I have seen favor the Tylers over Sonatas and VS speakers until you get to the Vr4 sr.
I'd like to read some of those comparisons, if you can provide some links or references to where the comparisons have been published.
I have actually heard the Tylers (the Woodmere's, in fact), and have heard five different VS speakers, as well as four different Silverline speakers. Oh yes, and the Merlins as well. The Merlins are a more refined sounding speaker than the Tylers. Does that mean they are better? Nope. It means they sound as though they have more mastery over the reproduction. Tylers are excellent speakers, and as others here and elsewhere have said, they are warm sounding. This is exactly what many people want, and it might even make Jerry happy for the next 10 years. is it a perfect reproduction of the original? Nope. No speaker is. Is it a neutral sounding speaker? Not if they are warm, and indeed, they are.
Cruz123, I did not ask the owner the dimensions of the room, so I can only give an estimate... but it looked to be about 12 X 14 or so with standard ceilings (8 feet approximately).

But more importantly with the Seas, vocals sound as realistic as if you are at a live show.
Every live show uses the same type of speakers: horns. SEAS drivers, albeit musical, do not sound remotely like horns.
Evita:"the Seas are a excellent speaker but not as good as the Merlin"....If there was a Merlin dealer here in Baton Rouge I'd take my stereo over to his show room.
Of course the dealer would never admit the Seas sound better. "just different, but not any better" Same as you are saying.
We must have some truth somewhere here. Or should we wait another 10 yrs to begin the search for truth?
I'm willing to drive 250 miles to Jackson, Miss. and hear the Tylers.
I'm also willing to pay anyone half the ship fees to hear the Merlin's.
