''Manuf. warranty '' with non-authorized vendor ?

I have come across a dealer selling gear that they claim have full manufacturer warranty on them. What if you find out from the MANUFACTURER that this dealer in question is not an authorized vendor? Would you buy anyways?
Often times, they will state the warranty will be honoured with the seller and they will handle any repairs. Not a great help when most of the sellers aren't in for the long haul and are often out of business when your gear breaks down.
Liars? Are you referring to American Theater by any chance Porziob? I almost made the mistake of purchasing new Polk Audio speakers from them. You know the saying...''if it's too good to be true, it probably is,'' Found out from the manufacturer (Polk) that they are NOT authorized dealers and there would be NO WARRANTY. The dealer would of course probably say i'm wrong about this, but the real truth comes from the manufacturer does it not ? No way I can encourage this dealer now.
well at least American spent the time to sell/speak to you.

I called them a while back to purchase a Sony ES DVD player and was told they don't waste their time on DVD players less than $1000, Hang up.
Yeah, that's the way to do business. It's not unusual for some one to test the waters with a small purchase, before committing big money, especially with an internet vendor. Sheesh!