Shipping damage protocol? Please Help.

I seek advice regarding a purchase I made which arrived damaged. I bought a pair of speakers in late December with a money order. They were shipped via UPS and were damaged in transit. The seller submitted the claim, pursuant to UPS policy, and UPS retrieved them for inspection. I then requested a refund, based on the Audiogon Shipping Damage Policy

In short, it stipulates "The seller in the instance of damage occurring during transit can expect full cooperation from the recipient in filing a damage claim with the shipper. The recipient however will not be required to wait for a successful claim to recover his purchase price."

I am happy to work with another member to find a reasonable solution, irrespective of "policy", yet he responded to my refund request with only, "Thank you for your note. I will get back to you as soon as I hear from UPS." Never mind that UPS' decision has no bearing on refunding me, his belittling response is beyond aggravating. He and I both have significant positive feedback and I never saw this coming.

Has anyone been in such a situation and how did you deal with it. Any other thoughts on this policy, is it widely ignored as being irrelevant and I am in the dark? Thank you sincerely for your time.
Regardless how well the speakers you purchased were packed, the seller owes you a refund immediately. This buying and selling online is not risk free.
As a seller I learned very early the importance of proper packing when I sold a very heavy amp without original carton. Thought it was packed well but I underestimated UPS's ability for destruction. I refunded the buyer as soon as the amp was out of his hands.
One more thing, I have neither bought nor sold floorstand speakers where shipping is required. It is a hassle, especially when selling but your story is the reason why. Good luck with this transaction.
I had the exact same thing happen when I purchased a cd player recently that came damaged. I requested a refund from seller, he refused but said he would send me any money that UPS would refund in a claim. When I notified Audiogon, they recommend that we work it out on our own or that I could pay for a moderater to make a decision on the case($99). Ultimately after a couple of months, UPS did pay the claim(which went to seller or course) and I was fortunate that the seller did send me the money. I do believe that you are right about getting the seller to refund first like I tried to do, but getting him to do so may be a differant story.
The seller owes you a refund. With regard to damage in shipment as a buyer or seller, there are a couple things to keep in mind.
1.It appears that the frequency of damage increases significantly from Thanksgiving until after new year. Sell and ship at high risk during the high volume holiday season.
2. With hard to package items, like heavy amps and speakers, it may be better to buy or sell on a pick up only basis.
I don't see his response as belittling and it seems to me that you might try to have a little patience and let things take their due course. Perhaps the seller would like to see that the claim process has been initiated properly before proceeding as he hasn't refused to reimburse. I'd try to look at it from his view.
The rules are clear. It's neither of your faults, however, it is his responsibility to refund you NOW. I had this happen early on in my audiogon trades with a pair of PSB 5T floor standing speakers. The buyer received them with a blown woofer. Though a pain, for the seller, you need your money back.