To biwire or not to biwire, that is the question??

Thanks for taking the time to read. I have sifted through the mound of information regarding biwiring but have yet to come to a clear yes or no on the matter.

My question is as follows: Using a single 2CH amplifier run to speakers that are set-up to biwire utilizing a biwire cable (2 connections amp end/ 4 connections speaker end)should return no greater result than running a single wire to that same speaker and utilizing jumpers??? My reading suggests that unless you are bi-amping, simply taking the source of the signal at the amp, (2 connections) and splitting that into (4 connections at the speaker) is not positively affecting the sound?? Bi-amping on the other hand may return an improved sound as the signals are isolated and could affect the resistance of the load?

So I guess what my reading has indicated is that if you are only running a single amp (2 connections) to a bi-wire ready speaker (4 coonnections) you are really paying for a cable that has additional ends but should return no great end product as the signals are technically not distinct as in the case of using 2 ampsor an amp set up for bi-amping?

Any thoughts are welcome as this seems to be an endless debate???
Sprink, If you look at my system pics, you will see how a true bi-wire should be IMHO. That is a single same gauge and same manufacturer run per terminal. In my case I use Highwire's and run an identical pair in a 8' configuration. This allows for the same connections at each end, in my case spades. Unwinding the runs in a double jacket might not be a very good idea, are these cables the same gauge and composition in each cable?
Same composition, different gauge. That's why I was asking. It seems to me that the wires should be at least the same gauge. The dealer threw these cables in for free, so I wasn't going to complain, they were a lot better than the ones I had. I've only had these speakers for a week so I just have them wired to the lower terminals with the factory jumper in. I may play with that a little when I get some more hours on them.
I think bi-wire is a myth. I have tried it and there was no difference with my speaker.

BUT I think (active) bi/tri amping does work.
I don't think bi-wiring is a myth, I have used bi-wires on my speakers for years, using them on my Hales prior to my current SF Guarneri's. In all instances, I feel this config is better than single runs. The speakers seem to project air and micro detail better and IMHO a level of grunge is removed, Your mileage may vary.