What is the best speaker for a smallish room?

I currently have a wonderful EAR 890 power amp, a Klyne SK-6 pre-amp and a pair of Piquet modified Quads. It's a great combination but I'll probably need to relocate to a smaller room -- 11 x 15 or so. I am thinking about substituting the Quads with another great speaker. The quads are just great, although they move less air than I would like them to. I thought about a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema, but I believe they like large rooms. I am open to a bi-amplification solution. Thanks.
You betcha...Thiels would work and provide better low extension with 8 inch woofer.

EAR is one of my favorite components and I think that would be a good match.
I don't know about best, but I would certainly consider Merlins if I were you.
Unfortunately whatever speaker you put in that room will not perform well without "room treatment" Can you at least put bass traps in the corners? I would seriously consider the acoustics issue before choosing any speaker for a room of that size.
yes, it's not a problem to put bass traps, although one of the two corners behind the speakers is not really a corner. The rear and right walls do not intersect at a 90 degree angle: each intersects at a 45 degree angle with a short wall segment (30 inches)
A very important aspect is that you are currently using electrostats, hence you will always desire an unboxed feel. I would suggest a pair of Manger Swings with a Zerobox subwoofer. The Swings do not play below 100Hz, hence a small room like yours will not affect it much. Below 100Hz just dial-in the amount of bass you require for your room, on the subwoofer. Simple, a very high end sound for small rooms.