JM labs Utopia vs JM labs Nova?

I am tossing up on a couple of pairs of JmLabs the Altos which is a step up from my Jm Mezzo that I dearly love,to day I found a pair of the Utopia's, the Alto's and Utopia's second hand are around the same price $12.000 usd, I love the Idea of the utopia's due to the fact they have the two midranges and a twelve in bass driver and you hope they would be a vast improvement over my current Mezzos,how much more space would they need to breath than the Mezzo @ the moment my current room is 17x13x8 and hopfuly in the next twelve months I will build a new house and will have a few extra feet to the lenght and width, but a little voice is telling me that there was great improvement made with the release of the Alto's and Nova as far as cabinet design and components apart from the tweeter, its a hard decision and if I had a pair $22.000usd lying around I would buy apair of Novas and be do with it.What every body thoughts.
Thanking you all for your input.
I have a pair of Alto Utopia and my room is 15X23X9. The bass is a bit too powerful already.

As Shadorne has said it repeatedly, the speakers have to be 3 feet from the side walls and 6 feet from the rear wall. I think he is right!